Part 165: The Grandeur 4
Welcome back! Last time, we defeated Baal, thus saving the world from his evil schemes forever!
And of course you can talk to him to try and gloat. But that's not what we're here for.

Talking to Feena starts up a cutscene. A pretty big one. No voices, though.
You should probably watch this video. It covers the entire update. (Polsy link)

Oh no Baal is still alive what a shock how ever could this happen I am so surprised right now.

In Japan, Baal really got a lot of mileage out of that whole "being voiced by Count Dracula" thing.

Oh. Oh my.

So yep. The reason Baal kept that cape over his right arm is to conceal the giant plant-beetle-crab-scorpion-tentacle tumor thing. That, um, is now larger than the rest of him.

Of course, Justin gives absolutely zero fucks.

Feena, you have fire magic. You can do this. Feena, no, don't....

Like I said above, there's a lot going on in this scene.

It turns out that knocking Justin off the airship is what it takes for Feena to finally act.

Looks like her mystical green light powers are strong against Baal. With that advantage, she could probably beat Baal, especially if she gets to visit the stashing place and prepar-
Wait, Feena. Feena no.

That, um....
... At least she did something? Instead of getting kidnapped again?

Well, at least we've still got Baal.

Hmm. Say, does anyone else smell that? Smells like something's cooking.

Ahh. Ham en flambé.

That's not looking so good.

So yep. After swords to the face didn't work, we set Baal on fire and then made his airship explode on him.
Even after you've knocked him off an airship at 30,000 feet, do not fuck with Justin.
Speaking of....

For as often as Justin falls from high places, this is really the only time we see him in freefall.
Also, the wind noise is part of the music track, which this whole scene is synced up to.

Okay, try not to let all the "BOGUS!" ruin the mood.

Ignoring the fact that freefall shoudln't last nearly this long unless the Grandeur's crashing altitude was low orbit, at least Feena is in a more aerodynamic pose than Justin.

Even when plummeting to their deaths, Justin still tries to protect Feena. It's a cute touch.

Of course, in JRPG land, enough willpower is all you need to survive literally anything.

Case in point.

Ahh, so that's why Justin wears that hat all the time. He gets mistaken for Crono otherwise.

Of course, Rapp and Guido fly by on the manta, because honestly, did you think this game would be killing off the party like that?
See you next time!